
Monday 2 May 2011

Capsiplex Has Made Fat Loss Easier

Weight is still a big issue for many of us. Society today is not quite as accepting of overweight people, everywhere we look the media is promoting weight loss, encouraging dieting, plugging products, using very slim models, all sending out the message that fat is bad. This all adds to the pressure amongst women and men to maintain the perfect body. The fact is we cannot do a lot about our genetics, unless you were blessed with good genes, we are what we are. A naturally very big boned person will probably never be tiny, same as a naturally very small boned person is never going to be enormous. And that person you see with the so-called ‘perfect body’ most likely got that figure through a lot of hard work.

Although thousands of people are still overweight because of the simple fact that they eat too much, eat too much of the wrong foods and lack of exercise. It is rare for a person to gain excess weight without some contributing factor unless you have an underlying condition or are on a medication that causes you to gain weight, more often than not if you have or are gaining weight it is likely you have played a part in it.

Advanced Health LTD

It is not rocket science to realise that you get what you give, what you put into your body will show on the outside and if you are not providing your body with the correct nutrients and minerals and you are not getting any physical activity, it is not going to burn off calories and you are going to gain weight. Even the most stubborn of fat will respond to some exercise and a good diet. It is important to remember though even if you do some exercise, don’t think it is fine to then scoff 10 chocolate bars because the whole point of losing weight is reducing the amount of bad foods you eat.

But some people are unfortunate and just do not seem to be able to get rid of their excess baggage no matter how hard they try, even numerous diets or exercises do not seem to help. The problem here is probably that they are not doing it right, consistency is the key. You have to really commit to weight loss; it is a full time commitment if you want to beat the bulge you need to be dedicated. Plan an appropriate, well balanced diet plan that you know is suitable for you and stick to it every single day and exercise regularly, whenever you can. Do not skip days, if you do this you are only cheating yourself and it will take you longer to reach your goals.

Although fat loss has now become easier thanks to the invention of an easy to swallow slimming pill called Capsiplex. A favourite of the media and endorsed by many celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the Capsicum based chilli slimming pill is said to dramatically shed the pounds while suppressing appetite so you are free to eat what you like knowing that you will lose weight quickly, efficiently and safely as there are no side effects or irritation to the stomach. A weight loss of up to 4lbs in the first week and thereafter 1-2lbs a week can be achieved with use of Capsiplex, though it is recommended as with any slimming aid that you combine regular exercise for best results. Read more in Capsiplex Reviews

Monday 11 April 2011

Celebrity Diets- Are They Safe?

There are so much pressure as a celebrity. This has unfortunately caused many of them to dabble in dangerous and extreme diet pills, food and calorie restriction. Sometimes it can taken too far and result in death. In weight loss, there is no real short cut. You need will power, effort and lot of dedication. Some of these fad diets seems to be able to offer rapid weight loss, but what is the cost?

Here is list of popular celebrity diets:

Raw Food Diet

Raw food diet proposes eating only raw food, even meat. This can be very risky. Even though some nutrients in food can be destroyed during cooking, there are risks in taking raw food. It can result in problems in kidney, liver, nausea and eye infections.  One ofits fan is Demi Moore. There are some vegetables and fruits which are can be better absorbed if cooked. It's possible to lose weight using this matter, however the health risks are not worth it.

Macrobiotic Diet

Madonna swears by this diet. Those who follow this diet eat mostly whole grains, cooked and raw vegetables and miso soup. It sounds rather healthy, however it has its own weaknesses. There is lack of protein, iron and calcium. As a result, it will leave you feeling tired, run down and can increase your chance of getting anemia.

Maple Syrup Diet

Beyonce Knowles is well known as the star who uses Maple Syrup to lose weight for a movie. During the diet, she didn't eat any food, she just drank a beverage which are made of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemons for 10 days. Amazingly she lost 20 pound in just 2 weeks. It is highly dangerous to do crash dieting like this.

Cabbage Soup Diet

In this diet, you substitute all your meals with cabbage soup for a week. With this diet, you can get dramatic weight loss. Sarah Michelle Gellar is said to follow this diet from time to time. This diet has a slightly embarrassing side effects, that is flatulence and need to go to the toilet more frequently. You can lose weight with this diet, however it is only water. The moment you stop the diet, you will regain all your weight and probably even more.

As you see above, these celebrity diets can work. You will lose weight. However, since you are restricting your body of many important minerals and vitamins, you will affect your health. After a prolonged, restriction, your body will be starved and start to store fat. This will result in gaining weight and the health implications can be sometimes irreversible. The best is to stick to sensible, healthy diet.

Not all the celebrities weight loss methods are risky. Some are safe and effective. Jennifer Lopez and Brad Pitt for example, swear by Capsiplex. Capsiplex make use of the weight loss properties of capsicum. The main ingredient is capcisum extract. However it is cleverly packaged so that you are not irritated by the taste of capsicum. By just taking one Capsiplex pill a day, you can eat as you normal and still lose between 1-2lbs a week.

Monday 4 April 2011

Capsiplex Review

What Is Capsiplex

Capsiplex is a weight loss supplement that can help you burn more than 278 calories before, during and after exercise. Over the past few years Capsiplex has almost never been out of the papers, due to the benefits people are seeing from using it.
Benefits such as;
·         287 Extra Calories Burnt Each Day
·         Reduce Appetite Levels
·         Burns Carbs and Fats
·         Speed Up The Metabolism

In fact due to the popularity of the product in only 3 days Capsiplex had managed to sell over 50,000 bottles. Capsiplex is not just popular with the media; it also has many celebrity fans including Nicola McLean, Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez.

How Does Capsiplex Work?

There is a powerful ingredient found inside Capsiplex that has been scientifically proven to be safe and effective at managing weight. The ingredient is called Capsicum, or otherwise known as Chilli Pepper, red pepper, sweet pepper or bell pepper.
Unfortunately you would not be able to just eat chilli peppers in order to lose weight, you would need to eat roughly 10grams per day and because of the heat this would also cause stomach irritation.
Capsiplex does however use a unique bead-let design which ensures that you can see the most effectiveness from the product without any irritation.

Capsiplex Clinical Studies

If you do a search on the internet you will find thousands of products that claim to give you the results you’re looking for, although many of them cannot provide you with any medical proof. Capsiplex has gone through their own studies and scientific studies regarding the Capsicum Extract and its affect on the body.
In fact the Capsiplex formula is backed by over 30 years of research and clinically studies, proving that it really will do what it claims. Looking at the studies people that used Capsiplex had noticed;
·         3 Times More Calories Burnt Before Exercise
·         3% More Calories During Exercise
·         12 Times More Calories Burnt After Exercise
·         On Average resulted in 278 More Calories Burnt Before, During and After Exercise
If you do want to use a product that is going to give you fast and effective results as well as being clinically proven, then Capsiplex will be perfect for you.

Benefits of Capsiplex

One of the reasons why Capsiplex has been rated so highly is the benefits that you will be able to see from using it, these benefits include;
·         278 More Calories Burnt Every Day
·         Speed Up Your Metabolism
·         Increased Energy
·         Helps Reduce Caloric intake
·         Reduce Hunger Levels
·         Burns Both Carbs and Fat
·         Reduce Body Mass and Body Fat
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